Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lance Camren ARRIVES

Well, he just wanted to take his time. But a week overdue, the doctor schedule Kellie to be induced. So on April 12, 2010 at 7:30 am, Kellie and Alex were at the hospital waiting for this little guy to come. After 13 hours, Kellie was only dialated to a 4! At 9:00 pm the doctor was called and told there was no progress being made. The doctor came down and it was decided that this baby was not going to come on his own, so a c-section was scheduled immediately.
At 10:00 pm, Kellie was taken into surgery with Alex by her side. Soon after Kellie heard the doctor order for more pain meds to be given. Kellie didn't understand why, until she all of a sudden felt major tugging. The poor little guy was stuck. But Dr. Klein got him out safely and then alot of shocked comments of "where did he come from?" were made. To Kellie and Alex's surprise, our little thin Kellie gave birth to a 10 pound 1.6 oz baby boy. 21 inches long. Born at 10:26 pm

We are happy to report that mom, dad and Lance Camren Barnard are all doing great and mom is recovering from surgery very well. Camren is a very healthy and happy baby! We are greatful to have him in our lives!!!